By 13


Visit to Portobello this morning
to go to the dentist. Just a
scale and polish needed
although I nearly choked as
she used so much water and
the suction tube thing was
always in the wrong place.

Got a call from the solicitors
late morning saying that the
flat schedules are available
for collection and that someone
called wanting to see the flat.
However they never when
they wish to view so it may be
another few days. The
schedules look great though.

Popped into Real Foods
after work to pick up some
muesli as we have not had
any for a long time.

Spent a bit of time in the
evening sorting out pictures
on iPhoto from the last few
years. My iPhone has gone
from having over 500 pictures
on it to just having 1 now.

Picture is of the orchid in
the kitchen which now as
just one flower remaining.

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