Des Tinney

By DesTinney

Swimming champ

Today was the day my boy went to the deep end and some.

After his 30min swimming lesson and swimming some half lengths past the life guard station, Leon wanted to go to the deep end.
(Thanks to the little boy who should have been at school who Leon seen jumping in.)

We made our way 'up the deep end' using the side and after getting his feet on the bottom step we got out ready for the big jump, past the other school kids who were now in so had to leave their sectioned area and go into the pool which is something out of Cacoon (the film).

The only pushing being done was Leon telling me to get back in the pool cause, 'I'm just going to jump dad, you better hurry!'

Don't think he hit the bottom as he was up very quick, maybe he knew his dad was in bits, protect, experience, develop so many thoughts and feelings.

He was up, as quick as he was in, relief for me, after he fixed his goggles Leon was off. Breaststroke, front crawl and a little bit of doggy paddle got him to the shallow end.

I think I may have shouted something about going to smyths toy shop he hasn't mentioned yet though, maybe he didn't hear.

So anyway today, at approx 10:30am Leon swam his first full length of the 25m pool at Grangemouth swimming pool.

Some lessons, a weekly visit to the mariner centre and the Olympics!

So proud.

Right get the bike out, your cycling to nursery and running back ;-)

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