Windmill 'De Toekomst', Hoeven

'Toekomst' = 'TOO-komst' = 'the Future' / 'Hoeven' = 'HOO-vun'

A busy day cleaning upstairs and downstairs, and it had to be done.

Some colouring, too.  It's a very relaxing way to follow the Tour de France.  Speaking of which ... I wonder who will win this year.  The atmosphere is so different to previous years, and I guess that can't be helped.

In the evening, AW went off to his Friday bridge with Sweed and Benna and Hennen.  In total, AW played bridge every evening this week -- Monday online with the Breda group, Tuesday online with the Oudenbosch group, Wednesday online with an old friend he hasn't played with these past 10 years or so, Thursday online again with the Breda group, and Friday live at Sweed's place.

We left the house together and I drove to Roosendaal for the windmill there, but the street it's at is closed due to road works, so off to Hoeven, but, in the meantime, the sun was close to setting and, as luck would have it, 'The Future' was facing in the 'wrong direction' because, as it turns out, it hasn't been in operation for many years now due to a missing spare part which hasn't been delivered.  In short, this is the best I could get, and the best that can be gotten.  I'll see in five years' time if it's worth another try.

A relaxing evening altogether.

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