
By karisfitch

Sweeter as the years go by

Was studying about nonagenarians today, so thought I would go and hang out with my favourite nonagenarian (Granda, and my Granny too - but she’s still a youthful octogenarian!)

Chatting about their life together - the good times, the hard times...one lovely thing that Granda said about their marriage, is that it’s been “sweeter as the years go by”. Just like the words of one of his favourite hymns:

“Richer, fuller, deeper, Jesus’ love is sweeter,
Sweeter as the years go by.”

Sitting down at the kitchen table I noticed this tea towel folded up...which we made in our first year of primary school, haha!
I distinctly remember thinking Emily Whiteside’s drawing was really good, so I tried to do mine like hers. (She later ended up being my housemate at uni!)

Unfortunately my drawing abilities haven’t gotten much sweeter as the years have gone by, but that’s okay, at least my tea towel self doesn’t look too self conscious about how she was made.

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