Such A Day....... Ending well!

The day started at 5:30, am.    Pam and I have gotten some sponsors here at  OTOW, and are now riding our bikes to accumulate miles for Pediatric Cancer Patients.  We down loaded the app called "The Great Cycle Challenge" for Kids!!!    We are trying to log 200 miles in the next 3 weeks.
      Today, we went out at 5:30 am and logged 16 miles.   It was a wonderful morning ride.....  73 degrees, humid but breezy.  We looped around and ended up at Sid's Coffee Shop with others who were riding for cancer.  That was a fabulous ride, with great food and terrific company!
     After a shower, I checked in on Alice.  She still isn't home and her son is still here.  I hope to be able to see her tomorrow, or maybe she will even be home!     
      The girls got  4 walks in today, and slept soundly while I went over and helped to finish the gate.  That completed fence is in the extra.  It didn't come out too badly.   
        It was just about time to go get the  mail, the rumbling thunder began to roll in, the dark clods gathered.   The main Blip is looking up the street to the south, south east.   you can see the gray storm clouds framed by tree branches.  Oddly, all three cars appear gray from the light, even thought one of them is white.  With the mail retrieved, I hustled the girls home before the storm drew any closer.   I am not a fan of lightning.
       And now, I have finished 2 loads of laundry, done my dishes, and trying to get ready for a bed.......

Only to do it all over agin, Tomorrow!        Hi Ho Silver!!  AWAY!   :-))))))))

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