Kitchen Blip 8

Grrrrrrr................ Our kitchen is still not finished. Our kitchen fitter was hoping that it would be finished by tomorrow night and now he's saying Thursday?!!!!

Not that it's his fault - the plumber should have come back today and didn't and he needs to move a pipe so that the kitchen fitter can fit the fridge & freezer. The washing machine is back in place so Ann decided to do a wash just to make sure it works correctly - It doesn't - it's not spinning properly and the water isn't draining away! And I've got loads of stinky towels that need washing!!! The electrician needs to come back and sign off the electrics! The 'wall basher down/floor layer' needs to come back and finish a few bits and pieces. Ann says it's very stressful being a 'project manager'. And we've still got the painting to do!!!!

On a positive note it will look lovely when it's actually finished.

On a negative note; Ann's just bought a 'Tesco lasagne' for dinner (thank God for microwaves!) completely forgetting about the horse meat saga?! It's from the luxury range and says '20% more beef' on the front. Just what exactly does '20% more beef' mean??!! She says if it tastes in any way funny she'll be having a 'liquid dinner' ie a bottle of wine and I'll be getting extra dinner. Horse meat is OK for dogs right?!!

And in other news; we don't have any gas in our house, but for those of you who do; please invest a few pounds in a carbon monoxide detector. Today a lady and her dogs were found dead in a house in town. Suspected carbon monoxide poisoning. Such a tragic waste of life!!!

And that's it for today. Ann's going out with 'CurlyCarrie' tomorrow for coffee & cake, when they will finalise details for the 'Cornish Blip Meet' on Sunday. A few people have been asking how we will recognise each other. Well that's easy.................... 'Bootneck' is going to be loitering on the beach in a green onesie, carrying a copy of the Telegraph and singing, 'We are the Champions'!!!! So we all know who to avoid then?! Hee hee!

Kitchen Blip 1
Kitchen Blip 2
Kitchen Blip 3
Kitchen Blip 4
Kitchen Blip 5
Kitchen Blip 6
Kitchen Blip 7

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