Thursday's Painting...

... A horrid dull grey sky this morning so far. Not motivational at all. Got a text from a friend to say her husband has gone totally downhill during lockdown and does nothing (he wasn't shielding, and they live right besides Sefton Park in L'Pool, so no excuse for not walking daily), and because he has sat there not moving he has no strength in his legs and arms. He has given up on life.

So my painting for today. I am having problems with my hands because I was tearing up cardboard boxes for recycle this morning and they are painfully stiff now. (I am not safe with a Stanley knife to cut up boxes  ) I draw on the iPad with my fingers, but I don't have enough control this morning, so I thought lotus leaves might be okay. This is my best effort for today. 

I am using two Chinese metal balls for right hand exercises at the minute.

I did one with a creamy background, and one with a white background. I liked the warmth of the creamy one.

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