Windmill 'Vervoornse Polder', Werkendam

I don't know if the name of the municipality really has anything to do with work.  The sign at the entrance of the town has two spellings -- Werkendam and, presumably the local pronunciation, Werrekendam.  Some research on my part, maybe, if the mood seizes me.

Another of those days when we both didn't do much.  The weather is so fine now, and the 'now' is the most important part of it.  Drove together on the hunt and I chose this windmill because I'd never seen it before and didn't even know there was one here.  There was no place to park right in front of it and it was facing in the 'wrong direction' as when we did find the car path (really, it couldn't be called a road by the normal definitions), it led to one single house and the windmill was at the back, facing the fields.  After three shots there, I still was not satisfied, so AW suggested we park at the local cemetery and take some really long shots, after which I still wasn't happy.  Back to the main road, and I ended up parking underneath the local bicycle flyover.  At least AW now has an idea of what I'd do just to get a good shot ... haha!

Spent some time with the colouring book and finished reading on COVID deaths.  Will be on the road again tomorrow.

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