
By Nettenet

Posh houses & golf courses

Mr C and I went on our Ripley walk taking us through a little private road of posh houses, over the bridge next to the golf course, along the River Wey where Ruby enjoyed a splash around , over Ripley weir and back into Ripley where we met Rebecca, who had just finished teaching her little dance classes, to have a wander around the farmers market. After a few purchases we sat on a bench with a drink and had a catch up.

Looking up Ockham Mill, the house in the blip, I discovered it is for sale at £3.5 million.

On our walk I received a message from my head (yesterday’s blip) to say sorry I had a horrid day and let’s chat next week. Bless...I said I was a tad frazzled:-D we will have a chat.

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