Solace Day 4 Outstanding Man

Well, I have to apologise. I have very few images and nothing outstanding. I do however, have The Man standing out. He's walked on ahead of the boat and opened the lock. The bottom gates are open ready for us to cruise in. The spouts of water at the far end of the lock are due to leaking of badly fitting lock gates.

The small waterfall to the left of the photo is a bywash. To prevent sections of the canal getting overfull and overflowing, above each lock is a sluice that allows excess water to by pass the lock and escape to a lower part of the canal. This is where it rejoins and has a nasty habit of pushing a boat off course as it aims for the lock.

So, not the time of year for fluffy gosling or cute ducklings. We've seen very few herons and the kingfishers haven't been sitting posing for us!

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