The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy

Books galore!

What a fun day I've had! Today I woke up super early to go to the library, they told me it would be in the morning so I was ready to go! Then they tried to make me wait until after morning nap, so I also got that over with fast... 15 minutes shut eye and I was ready to go!

It was absolutely everything I was hoping for and more! So many books and the shelves are the perfect height for me to tear them all off and pick the ones I liked best. There are comfy chairs and friendly people, plenty of books for my age and lots of space to explore. I have a feeling I am going to spend a lot of Saturday mornings here, just like my mummy did at her local library when she was little. She says the library was one of the first places she was allowed to go by herself and make her own choices. Maybe it will be the same for me.

She (mama) is so happy that there is still libraries around, always a safe place to go and explore and test out your imagination. Also, it will save her a fortune buying me books I get bored of after a couple of days if we can just have a shot for a while and swap them for something else, I don't know why they are going out of fashion?!

We are all a little worried about tearing pages though.. this time we stayed away from flimsy paper. So that we dont ruin the books for the next people that borrow them after me.

After all that I did have a decent nap together my breath back and then lots of fun this afternoon. Happy days indeed!

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