Watching Summertime...

British summer time has arrived.

This is my 21st birthday watch that I got 2 years ago (yeah right!!!). My mum and dad got me it and it would now be one of my longest owned possessions that is still in I also have a blood stone around my neck which I also got for the same birthday from a school friend (Julie Collins, if she were to ever come across this, a wonderful human being).

My India holiday nick-nacks might be older but that's another blip for another time.

This watch is pertinent because it is set to British summertime and the time isn't adjustable without taking it to a watchmaker. I didn't find the time through the winter so it has stayed on summertime and so has now come back into use.

It originally came with a leather strap but when that eventually deteriorated, I replaced it with the metal bracelet you see on it in this picture.

Why? Why not another metal strap?

Two words... Bruce Willis.

In the film Pulp Fiction Bruce's character Butch has to go back to his abandoned flat to collect his dad's war watch from the kangaroo statue. The motion of him taking the watch off the kangaroo and putting it onto his wrist is what made me put this type of strap on my watch.

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