Another Smoky Day

The news is slightly better today, although the air quality is not. The marine air is starting to push westward and there is more moisture in the air. So the smoke will begin to dissipate a little, and the fires will not be pushed towards the west (towards the city of Portland). I don't know if that means that the smoke will move over the rest of the country, however. And Monday night it RAINS...hallelujah! Here is a pretty awe-inspiring tweet from the Bureau of Land Management regarding the fires (hopefully this works - KeenKen taught me how to do this link!) BLM Wildfire Map

Today's blip sort of says it all....drooping, wind-beaten, ashy sunflowers hanging their heads on a very smoky, eerie afternoon. The air quality is just a tad better at 440 (rather than over 500). But rain is in sight! Two more days. I think we'll be outside dancing in it!!!

Thanks again for all of your lovely comments and support and good wishes. We shall prevail! 

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