Story Telling

This is the next structure after Logos (rational), and Ethos (credibility) that I am helping my IESE MBA groups practice in their public speaking course. Pathos (emotion) comes next. They start story telling on Monday by delivering a three-minute speech they have prepared following the structure, get group and my feedback on their content and delivery, do it again the next day, get more feedback from me and the group and, then, prepare another story speech with a new subject, film it and have a fifteen minute one to one review of it with me. They do all this for each structure in the space of two weeks. I do it all with two groups, sixteen people in total, as well as sit in on the input plenary sessions which help them get their heads around each structure - that's eight plenaries in total as each section has a different presenter who delivers slightly different messages and I need to hear them all. One group's activity is centered around late-morning into mid-afternoon. The other from mid-afternoon to mid-evening. It’s non-stop for them and it’s non-stop for me!

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