Meet Tulip Braymore!

Dear Diary,

If I ever had a real donkey I would name it Tulip, don't ask me why.  Her last name, Braymore, is from the lovely rescue donkeys at Tomten farm, my favorite being the 30 year old Beatrice Braymore.  Tulip was the most challenging feltie I've made to date.  She reminds me of the sweet donkeys I would meet on country roads in Ireland with their fat tummys, long eyelashes and velvet noses.  When I was on Inis Oirr many years ago, one would trot over to greet meet every morning.  It might have been because of the carrots I always carried with me but sometimes she would lean over the stone wall and place her head on my shoulder for a snuggle and that was so lovely.  So, Tulip is a memory of that wee donkey on a little island off the coast of Ireland.

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