
By AlrightFlower

Watching Weight...

So, I went to Weightwatchers on Monday night, and the theme of the talk was how to shop successfully in a supermarket - so as to not be tempted by the hot cross buns by the door, everything down the sweetie aisle etc etc.

WW seem to change their approach every couple of years or so - I don't know why (if it ain't broke...), and the new outlook is based around "hedonic hunger", ie eating for pleasure, which is exacerbated by the tips and tricks employed by the food industry to make us want to eat.

But I sit listening, and think to myself, ok, even I can see that product placement on the TV, adverts and retail outlet tricks like the smell of fresh bread and buns and cake everywhere all adds to the temptation when it comes to overeating and/or making unhealthy food choices, but where's the element of free will here, where's the sense of personal responsibility?

I'm not saying the WW approach is wrong - it's backed by scientific research, not just some waffle they've pulled out of the air - but if it was the sum total of why I'm overweight, then surely everyone in the whole world would be in the same boat? And one look around campus tells me that's not happening - I don't think I've seen anyone over a size 10 in weeks.

I like going to Weightwatchers, I really do. Our meeting leader is friendly, warm and good motivationally, the people are nice, and I've lost almost a stone (not that you can tell...), but I just wish that the company wouldn't take all sense of personal responsibility away from us. I am not helped by the food industry in my desire to be slim normal not fat what I want to be, but I firmly believe that it is my own doing that brings me to that meeting.


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