We've All Eaten The Cheetos!

I don't know whether they run the same commercials for products like Cheetos where you live, but the video clip really was a memorable part of today's sermon!  Before we got to that, though, we were blessed in the traditional music service by our women's ensemble, Sweet Assurance,  I especially enjoyed their performance of "We Are Blessed" for obvious reasons, if you know me.  We finished our traditional music in time for me to make it over to the contemporary service for their last couple of songs so that made me happy, too.  Then we were challenged by Daniel McGinty  to realize that man's situation is bad news, but God's solution for our situation is the good news!  In the video clip, a man is trying to figure out why all the Cheetos keep disappearing,by using a special cheese detector, only to find out that the whole family is guilty---and they have acquired a cat which is also guilty.  That's the way it is with sin in our lives, we are all sinners, but through Christ's death on the cross, God has declared us "Not Guilty", He has purchased our freedom from sin by redeeming us with the life of His only Son and He has sacrificed for mercy, finding a way to forgive sin without compromising who He is.  It was uplifting and humbling at the same time to think about how all that was accomplished and all because God loves us so much!!!!

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