Top of the world

Very lazy morning and slow start, reading the papers and drinking tea then watching Repair Shop in our PJs. The weather looked dull and grey so we weren’t really encouraged to get up and out, but in the end A&N and G&W set off separately on various shopping forays whilst I worked a bit and caught up on email and prep for tomorrow.
Once A&N returned we had some leftovers for lunch and by then the sun had come out so A and I headed out for a walk and went up to Salisbury Crags to take in the view. Very windy but warm and bright...lovely in fact. We chatted about life and plans and stuff and enjoyed getting some exercise...she needs to be in shape for Goat Fell on Arran next week and I need to get back into my daily walks from early lockdown days.
Home and heard about G&W’s exploration of the town, helped N write his job application and decided on a takeaway Indian meal for supper. Delicious...and followed by a very jolly game of Uno that the newbies at the game won!

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