Up and down the mouse ladder

Today's theme for Mono Monday hosted by SueJay50 is Up and Down, and somehow that made me think of stairs and ladders and the folded paper strip chains that I learned to make in Kindergarten a long time ago. In Dutch these are called muizentrapjes which translates into little mouse ladders, it's something basic using long paper strips and glue, good for eye and hand coordination, something which we've all learned as toddlers. Interestingly while Googling for the English term for it I couldn't find it amongst the many basic paper folding and or weaving crafts for toddlers. Is this a Germanic thing ? Or is it included in early toddler crafts in the English speaking world too, but I just didn't use the right key words to search for it ?
For today's MonoMonday with thanks to SueJay50.

Thanks very much for the kind comments and stars for yesterday's AT272 results and the strawflower

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