Dragonfly and Twins

Julia dropped the twins off this afternoon, we have them for 3 days and nights while Julia is on a course prior to her 3 year posting to Cyprus.
While we were in the little conservatory either Julia or Marlane spotted a Dragonfly flitting around the roof shades. I got a small sieve and managed to quickly trap it and slide a bit of card along the top so it didn't fly off before I could get it outside.
When I took the card off I thought it was fly off immediately but it stayed while I took a photograph. I think it was in gratitude for getting it out of the trap that is our house.
The EXTRA collage is the twins playing around in the garden. They have been really good, asked where 'Mama' is a couple of times but Marlane just said she's at work and she'll be back in a while. Not a lie, just not the fact it'll be in three days time. 
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we also have Buddy and Hendrix so I think we are going to have our hands full but they are very good children, and the boys are only with us from 07:00 to about 11:30.
I don't think I'm going to get much time for commenting though!

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