Crummock Water (MM347)

Plenty of up and down in today's walk around Crummock Water.
Between us we took over 300 images, so this is a very quick pick of the first one to catch my eye. 

20+C and minimal breeze, so a shorts, one tee shirt and sun block day too - not at all what we were expecting from the Lake District.

At the risk of stating the obvious ... it looks better large on black!

Good news on the C-19 test front too - both Rachel (our daughter) and Hadeel (son's girlfriend) have tested negative so both can return to work.
In Rachel's practice four of the reception and office staff and the paramedic have all tested positive ... fortunately not too bad and they have good home working facilities.  All of them had head cold symptoms, rather than the persistent cough.

Thanks to SueJay50 for hosting Mono Monday.

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