Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Putting on the Ritz

The Yoga Mama was 80 today. We did a "This Is Your Life" style tribute on Zoom to kick start the day, then off to Heather Farm for one of their hearty brunches. Glorious sunny day; we took a walk around the water meadows before heading home. 

The Yoga Mama met a friend for coffee early afternoon then we got all dressed up and headed to The Ritz for afternoon tea at 7.30 in the evening. You heard right. It sounds odd but it was surprisingly lovely. I particularly liked the cakes and the dragon pearl tea (a rather nice Jasmine).

Excellent day. We even had two very garrulous black taxi drivers for entertainment. I think they get a bit lonely in this time of Covid and like to talk.

Couple of smiling extras ...

Happy birthday Yoga Mama.

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