Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine


Today I had to explain "heaven" and "soul" to my 3 year old cousin.

It was a really hard day, and I don't think I have ever been humbled by seeing the sheer number of people you touched Mike. There were thousands. I knew you were popular, but you were never the kind of popular kid that just knew a bunch of people. No, you touched their hearts and souls. It seemed like anyone you encountered you left such a huge impression on them. There were so many tears, and sobs. And I honestly didn't really know how to handle it. I think it's still a shock at this point. But I made Adam laugh, and I think you would have thanked me for that.

I wasn't sure how appropriate it would be to photograph a wake, so I snapped one of the puppies paw print in the snow before we left. Everyday we deal with ups and downs. The important thing is to not get too stuck on one or the other.

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