Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

There She Goes

There She Goes Again

I see this brave old lady almost everyday before I start work (around 7:30am). And I have been meaning to take a picture of her on many occasions and failed to do so through not having my camera with me, being on my push bike, weather too dark or me being a tad late for work. So I finally did it this morning!

Very punctual and determined she is, to walk a mile round trip to the newsagents to collect her paper weathering through the cold (-2), rain, wind, sun, sleet or snow (it started to snow today at 8:00am). I do not know her or her name, but having seen this repetition over the last 3 and a bit years or so I can pretty much guess what she is like in real life through her body language & walking pace (usually very fast!).

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