Longest walk ever

Ann needs a new hobby. Or a new job. Or something to occupy her apart from slobbing around and watching TV all day. This virus has not gone away has it? ….............And now that Ann is only allowed to meet one friend at a time, she's pretty much back to being 'Billy no Mates' again. Unfortunately our house in Cornwall is rented out until 2nd Oct otherwise we'd be heading off down there. Why Scotland can't adopt the English rule of 6 people/6 households, we don't know. These rules really are penalising single people.  And they can't be doing much for the economy either?!  Ann's had to cancel three lunch/dinner reservations that she had made for the next couple of weeks with two friends. And obviously loads of other people are having to do the same. And yet if she drives an hour down the road to Berwick Upon Tweed, she can have lunch/dinner with up to 5 other people. #theworldhasgonemad

Anyway when Ann is bored, she walks. And walks and walks and walks. And obviously I have to walk with her, but that's OK because I'm a 22 month old active little collie pup and I like big long walks.

Today we did our longest walk ever. 15.32 miles if anyone is interested.

We walked up to the Hermitage, all the way through the Hermitage, along the bottom of Liberton to the recycling centre where we entered the Craigmillar Woods and headed up to Craigmillar Castle, down the path to the back of the ERI and along the walkway to the Wisp, walked on my lead to the Old Innocent train line to Musselburgh, along the beach to Seafield and then along the cycle/walkway path to Leith Links, from there to the waterfront at Leith, past Newhaven & Granton harbours and ended up at the old Granton gasworks. You can see our route here.  And then we jumped on a No 38 bus and came home.

Once we got home I gobbled up all of my breakfast (that I hadn't eaten at breakfast time) and then settled down for a snooze. Ann had a shower and then poured herself a BIG glass of wine.

We've had a lovely day out together but do you think life will ever get back to normal?   Whatever normal is.

PS – For those of you observant Blippers; yes, I am wearing the same collar & lead that I had on yesterday. Ann's wearing the same trousers too. Standards are slipping. Any tips for motivating my owner would be greatly appreciated.

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