River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: On the Beach

Woke up to very thick mist, which got thicker as the morning went on but by midday it was clearing and the sun came out ... time for a walk!
Haven’t been down to the beach since August: tourists, rain, more tourists ...
Wind coming in off the sea was quite fresh, easterly, but so nice to see the snipe, dunlin, egret and seagulls - all busy feeding as the tide was going out.
Collected some seed of what I think is Sea Beet, must get the plant books about again https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2660259460299098859 
On the lane I’d seen wild mint growing in the ditch and along the edge of the road, love the smell ... proper minty! Lane was covered in falling leaves, cool air during the mist enough to start the process of “fall”.
Only saw one van on the far side of the beach where there’d been lots of illegal camping a couple weeks ago.
Lovely smell of hay as I was walking up towards my friend’s farm, saw big bales in the field and another friend with his tractor and trailer coming to fetch them.
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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