A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

More lo-fi

I still haven't used the Kindle I was bought for Christmas. In my defence, it was mainly bought with the notion of being good for when I was travelling and I haven't travelled anywhere yet this year. I'm still not convinced though and it is the one area of technological application that makes me feel like a luddite.

And there are lovely bookshops to visit on relaxed* mornings when I can wander and look and chat and choose. Reasons for choices:

1. Jackson listened to Animal Farm last week when he wasn't well and loved it so I said I would get him the book to read. After listening to it, he asked me if the world had changed after it had been published. Such a lovely thought.

2. Is it too shameful to admit I have never read this?

3. The lovely shop assistant spoke with such enthusiasm about the first GO book she had read that it seemed rude not to.

Thank goodness (though I am a little sad) that we have finished Breaking Bad so I can do some reading.

Lesley x

*a work project that has been a complete PITA for 3 months has finally resolved itself and the resolution means no work for me. Bad for the coffers but most excellent for my sanity. And bookshelf.

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