The Geeky Christian

By s90man

Shenmue day!

Yes I'm still ill today. Partly because of a run in with a fun substance called Macrogol. I won't go into details, but if you know what I mean, then yeah. Turns out I'm probably a bit allergic! Such fun. Nothing serious, just not pleasant. Having only 2 hours sleep doesn't help anything!

I dusted off the old Dreamcast for some relaxing gaming in the nostalgic past... amazingly, it still works. I wasn't expecting it to! Shenmue is probably my favourite old (well not that old) game, so I've been playing some.

Probably a bit inaccurate to call it a Shenmue "day" as already the Dreamcast has begun to give it up! I may have to resort to emulation at some point...

Again, thanks for the well wishes!

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