In which...

By oddbuttons

I think only I could arrive in Antwerp, and instead of looking around me, be captivated by these lovely peeper protectors.

I'm not normally swayed by designer goodies, overinflated prices and posh packaging, but as I put these on my face (which I did, furtively, in the dressing room, gobbling them up, a pair at a time like Augustus Gloop with his face in the chocolate river), each one felt like a cool, yet authoritative bakelite kiss on the bridge of my nose. This was a rare change for me - other pairs of sunglasses I have owned have come from the footwell of somebody's car, a 20p rummage box in the old Camden market, and - if i'm really pushing the boat out - H&M.

But it looks like now, I might have to find some Serious Sunglass Spending Money. Maybe if I buy every pair I'd get a special partitioned sunglass box of my very own...

Living the eyewear dream...

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