
By SMax

Fenwick Winter

Despite the nasty bug that I seem to have acquired this week and the weather, I had to go out today for a short while. However it did allow me to take the camera in the off chance I could get something I could blip.

As I was heading through Eaglesham I decided to drive out a little way towards Fenwick. The weather was unpleasant as the snow had turned to driving rain and a wind that nearly blew me over when I got out of the car.

This is the result of the 5 minutes out of the car. It is a shot of the landscape from the Eaglesham Moor road which is on the Fenwick side of Eaglesham and as you can see I have the monochrome feature on. If I had turned round I would have been facing Whitelees windfarm. However I would then have been facing directly into the teeth of the weather and as the windfarm was barely visible I decided it wasn't worth even trying.

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