
By HareBrain

This little piggy

went to market
this little piggy stayed at home
this little piggy had roast beef
and this little piggy had none
and this little Lily piggy went wee, wee, all the way home

and another little piggy donated part of his/her anatomy to enable my dear music buddy, Roy, to have his split Aorta repaired with a porcine valve.

Its been a long old do for Roy who has been in four hospitals over the past 9 weeks and once his torn Aorta was diagnosed in the Stoke on Trent hospital all that time ago, several health complications the most severe of which was pneumonia, denied him having the very risky repair op. However, 3 weeks ago, having got over all of the complications he went to a Hospital in Liverpool to have an amazing 13-hour operation and from which he is now recovering well, as we saw when we visited him in a hospital nearer home yesterday.

Lets hope it won't be too much longer before you are back playing your clarinet and sax and we can go to band rehearsals together again.

As you can see its been snowing again today - we had loads this morning and as I jumped out of the car to take some photos it was freezing cold, the camera got soaked, and I nearly had to go to A&E myself for a fingers transplant! Stopped snowing now so I may be forced to go to the last night of college after all.

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