Autumn Crocus

20°C  -  5 mph ESE Wind Speed  -  6 mph Gusts  -  Sunny Day.  Shopped in Hardware Store, Brechin, for a new Lawnmower  -  decided on another Bosch!  Brechin was a full of cars and no parking space  -  thankfully the Store has a Car Park.  I think more people are using their cars when they can rather than risk going by bus due to the Covid facemask situation.  The Storeman was amazing  -  Black Trainers, Black trousers, black shirt, black facemask and sunglasses  -  I tried not to laugh  -  a bit like a Mafia boy I thought☺  Wandering around the garden when I got home I found another clump of Autumn Crocus  -  I just love their colour.

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