
By JillyMint

Don't speak with your mouth full!

Well he was having a damned good try to ignore this advice. He was hastily cramming as much as possible in his mouth while still making his 'kick.....kick' alarm call (albeit rather muffled).
I spent a few minutes (in between visiting physiotherapist and interviewing carers) trying to get both male and female in the same shot. It's the first year that I have seen a pair together in the garden. Although we have had babies for the past 2 years I have only ever seen daddy with them. I assume that this is the same male but one can never be sure. He looks as though he's been in the wars though - some tail feathers are missing.
Now I wonder who could be responsible for that .......? (no i'm over my obsession - honestly!)
Canon 1d; 420mm; iso1600; f/6.3; 1/500"
Thanks for all the good wishes - I really do appreciate it. You're a wonderful bunch. x

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