feels like a perfect night - breakfast at midnig

What a glorious day. 

The sun has been shining from sun up - which for me, came around 8.30. 

I made Scottish Eggs Benedict for Breakfast - Potato Scones instead of Soda Bread, and Heather Honey Soaked Ham.  I was particularly proud of my Hollandaise Sauce  -  with home grown tarragon in it.  (I'll add an extra to my blip later). 

Then we took a ride to Ikea.  

Wow; it's so weird without Tooli.  We were bitchin about everything.    No reprimands.  It was weird. 

We found our purchases, i was asked very nicely not to rip labels off items.... could I maybe just take a photo instead ;-)  

then at the check out- with three trolleys, we decided to see if we could get into the car with everything. Himself made off with a big piece of cardboard  to measure...  It did.  Then we had to do a bit of begging at the door to let him back in again without queuing up.   Then he had to leave by one door - and I had to leave by another. 

When I eventually caught up - he had got most of it in... but needed a hand with a couple of odd boxes. 

I ended up sitting in the back seat squished beside boxes  LOL 

Anyways, we got it home, we were going to stop for a milk shake but couldn't figure out the way in; so we just came home and had coffee and ice cream instead. 

Then, We decided to sit at the beach for a while and people watch.  Oh there was good people watching today.    We kept Tooli in the loop by sending her photos of the goings bye. 

Also watched a young mum deal with a tantrum beautifully.  I mean what 3 year old doesn't want to take ALL OF THE SHELLS home. 

There's a lovely mist sitting just above the shore the length of the horizon.  Don'tknow what it means, but it's just beautiful to look at. 

PS - Tooli is in her new house with her three new flat mates,  (who she has never met before) and is all settled - they were out for Wagamammas last night and tomorrow she is meeting up with the TLC. ... Teaching Learning Community. 

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