
By tfb

Of course they do not understand

The conspiracy theorists with their 'Q' pretending to leak an endless stream of fake 'intelligence', the transparent idiocy & implausibility of which never deters them. And do any of the predictions come true? Only the ones where some believer makes them come true. The science deniers who are perfectly happy that other people should die of entirely avoidable diseases because they choose to believe some many-times-falsified lie about vaccines. The climate-change 'skeptics' with their endless self-contradictory efflux of made-up 'reasons' to pretend what is real is not real, so they can continue polluting while dooming their children ('won't somebody think of the children') to blighted lives and their grandchildren to worse.

They probably think this tower is spreading COVID over bad invisible 5G rays, if it is not actively sending out subliminal messages telling them to wear masks, infringing their precious right to infect other people. They probably think it was funded by the cabal, or by Bill Gates.

If only they understood its true purpose. How long we scientists laboured to design and build this network of watchtowers. How much new technology we developed under such huge pressure: making the fruits of our work freely available once the system was built. Who do you think really invented the transistor and the integrated circuit ('single substrate devices' we called them)? Who did the early work on high-temperature superconductors?

And what was this huge effort for? Do they know what the towers watch for and defend against? What our equations told us would leak through in the early part of the 21st century? What is leaking through now, for our calculations were not in error.

Of course they do not understand. The clowns we choose to lead us stopped caring long ago: their small minds, useless education, vast sense of self-worth and bigotry about the Scottish origins of the project simply did not equip them to understand that the efforts which staved off the incursion in the 1970s had to be maintained as the enemy was nothing if not patient. Funding was withdrawn in 1979 in the UK, and although the core group continued to maintain and develop the system using funds diverted from a number of idiot political vanity projects by our fellow-travellers in the civil service, it is now at the point of failure.

Worse by far in the US where the infrastructure was never even completed due to stupid inter-agency squabbling before funding petered out. It seemed, for a while, as if they had got away with it: only now is it becoming clear how untrue that was. Very clearly those we defend against broke through in the US some time in the last twenty years, and the consequences are now all too clear. You have only to look to see: Lovecraft was a vile racist but 'the colour out of space' was prescient – how can people not see it on his skin, his hair? He is infected, he is not human, not any more.

Of course they do not understand: easier to believe an antisemitic conspiracy theory than to recognise the truth that the enemies science defended against are here, and are winning.

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