Derelict Sunday

This structure use to be a beautiful shack but it got pulled down and thus is what is left. Do love the carpet. Still has the view

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 540 new cases, 0 fatalities and 651 recoveries today.
60,307 cases have been recorded in the sandpit.

Bahrain has  6,868  active cases,  146 are receiving treatment,  52  critical  cases.   221deaths recorded.   57,750 recoveries.  Total tests done is  1,333,275

Agra, India: India reopened the Taj Mahal, with the first visitors trickling in on Monday, as authorities reported 86,961 new coronavirus infections, with no signs of a peak yet.  Daily visitor numbers have been capped at 5,000, versus an average of 20,000 before the pandemic. Tickets are only being sold online, with fewer than 300 bought on the first day.

New Zealand ends all pandemic restrictions outside main city of Auckland.  The country recorded no new cases of Covid-19 on Monday, keeping its total number of confirmed cases at 1,464, with 25 deaths.
The United States set a one-day record with over 1 million coronavirus diagnostic tests being performed, but the country needs 6 million to 10 million a day to bring outbreaks under control, according to various experts.
The USA has now recorded more than 7 million cases and 204,000 deaths

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