Lakeland Dipper (further afield)

Looking over to Scolt Head at high tide (one of the first photos I ever remember taking as a youngster was from this spot with a similar very high tide)

I decided to give myself a day off seeing as the good weather is due to break, and it ended up being full-on two dip day!

This was the first, walking down from Overy and catching the top of the tide first thing this morning. It was just glorious. I realised half way down the bank my costume was still drying on the line from last night so I’m afraid I’ve traumatised some sanderlings. I sat and had a coffee from my thermos, watched 3 kites circling overhead, and then got chatting to a woman who came walking along the beach. Annie also has a long association with the place and we ended up walking back along the bank together, reminiscing.

I then went along to Wells for some bits and bobs and have never ever (insert many more never evers) seen so many cars parked at Holkham (they’d even opened another adjacent field) and so many people in Wells. I went to the wonderful hardware store, Walsingham’s, a proper hardware store with absolutely everything. They said how very hectic it had been. I didn’t hang about beyond a quick look out from the very busy quay.

Back home briefly before heading back down to Overy to check in on Juliet who had wanted to show me a photo of the lampshade and standard lamp in situ. Then I slid, slod and slithered along the cockle path, a muddy mess after so many high tides, and crossed to the island. I walked along a fair way, a vast emptiness as far as the eye could see, and then headed back and crossed the channel back to the mainland where I swam at the harbour entrance and sat for ages with a beer and waiting for the tide to turn back in again and a seal bobbed up and down, presumably fishing the agitated waters at the harbour mouth.

As I got back the twilight had turned to gloaming but somehow Catherine managed to recognise me and we had a long catch up before heading off.

I feel as though I’m in such a strange bubble.

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