Pruning in the rain.

Had a podcast on; I worked in a sheltered spot this morning. Rain hadn’t been forecast when I decided today was for gardening.

Early afternoon we watched the First Minister, in Parliament, set out a range of new coronavirus control measures. It was a detailed speech. The steps announced will affect us all. Not lost on me were her words “Let’s keep going, try to keep smiling, keep hoping and keep looking out for each other. Be strong, be kind and let’s continue to act out of love and solidarity.”

Spent a fair bit of the rest of the afternoon in the garden doing some chores. And then made soup. The forecast is cold.

Researched re a wee future refurbishment job and sourced a few bits ‘n pieces online.

We watched the televised evening statements by the PM and FM. Different in tone and substance.

Several Family phone conversations about the rationale for, and implications of, today’s announcements.

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