Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Young and Fearless

Penny has been an absolute joy to have around. She continues to develop a very animated personality and is getting along with all of the other animals. Just over the past week, she and Maggie started to play a lot more.

At first I thought Maggie was going to hurt Penny because it looked like she was being too rough. When I told Maggie to stop, she would walk away and then Penny would immediately launch herself in the air and land right on Maggie and start the brawl over again. So I let them have at it and hope that no one gets hurt in the process.

Special Note:
I have developed virtual friendships with many of you and enjoy viewing "blips" of your life when I have the time and of course enjoy your feedback as well. But I am sad to say that work continues to get more stressful and I have little time or energy to comment on your blips (at least on a regular basis).

I've also noted that the number of views on my journal has been steadily declining and the majority of views are from outside sources (FB, Twitter, friends). I'll be making a decision soon about whether I will join the ranks of Folkie and others and just blip when there is time. I'll let you know if/when I go into blip retirement...

Take care and thanks for sticking with me so far...



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