Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen


It was a beautiful evening so we headed out for some ice cream and a walk down by the river.

The sky was clear and the breeze was warm. There was a line up at the gourmet ice cream place so we stood our six feet behind and waited our turn.

There were many others out with the same idea. Young couples and young families with kids. All enjoying the beautiful evening.

We walked and talked about life and stresses we face. How we need to learn to live in less stressful ways. The toll this virus is taking on our world, our family, and us.

It was dark early so we sat on a bench facing the river, eating our ice cream.

Then I saw a bright light moving across the dark sky and I wondered. I quickly ran an app on my phone and I was right, the bright light was the ISS. The International Space Station.

I quickly lifted my limited phone camera to the skies with the clear understanding that it would only manage a blurry fuzzy pic. Because that’s how it goes. Usually.

But then I looked at it and I was really impressed. It caught the stars in the background AND the movement of the station. That was really exciting and she humoured me.

But still, so cool!

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