It's beginning to look a lot like...

Ah, never mind, too late!

Into town early doors this morning, as a former student is the retail manager for the new Krispy Kreme branch which has just opened here in Edinburgh. I'd planned to head along early as there was all sorts of freebies for the first few customers apparently. We headed there for quarter to seven to find that there were at least a couple of hundred people there already.

That meant a change of plans as we weren't queueing at that time in the morning. We'll head in at some point later.

Since I had a meeting in town at 11 I just headed for the spa instead. After a relaxing few hours in a pretty much empty spa I headed for my meeting. that was pretty much it for my day. I got home and watched another couple of episodes of Game of Thrones then headed to Taekwon Do.

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