Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Eastern Wood-pewee

This Eastern wood-pewee has been nesting somewhere near or in our yard for a couple of years at least. She'll be leaving soon to head for Central or South America to spend the winter. When I was on the birding trip to Panama last November we saw Eastern wood-pewees multiple times every day it seemed. In any case - she's not gone yet. I say "she" because she had another wood-pewee who was following her around shouting "peep! peep! peep!" relentlessly. I am assuming it was one of her young - asking to be fed. Of course I suppose it could be Dad that the youngster was begging for attention from, but I'm going to assume it was Mom. It was a sweet and fun interaction to witness. I'll miss them when they're gone, and look forward to their return in the spring.

Edit - changing the photo - still the pewee, but not sitting on the ugly fencepost. Now sitting on a finished (dead) mullein plant.

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