and through the wire...

By hesscat

The Tweedy Show @ 100

I had already taken photos of the sunset, blip chosen... then we settled down for the 100th episode of The Tweedy Show - a homemade/amateur instagram stream from "Grammy Award Winning" Jeff Tweedy's home which started during lockdown in Chicago on 19th March. It started with a show and Jeff in the bath, so obviously #100 began there too. We missed 2 shows due to technical issues :-/ It was 7 night's a week for a few months and is now up to 4 times - obviously Jeff had to find time to write a book and songs for a new album both out soon. With no plans to stop the show yet, it's been a fascinating insight to Jeff and his family and friends, and a real constant comfort to us and others.

There are so many memories I will try and recall for my own benefit only, i.e. boring! Jeff (out of the band Wilco), his wife Susie, son's Spencer & Sammy, Spencer's partner Casey and chihuahua Basil, Susie's dad Peter, 11 year old nephew Charlesies and his amazing powers of recollection (he knows every one in the world over 100), friends and family and celebrity friends, a show from their car during a road trip to NY to collect Sammy's college stuff before they threw it out, a fan made video of one of their songs shown to them as a surprise during a show, a show t-shirt for charity, a "box full of letters" from fans to say thanks, a show face mask made of material matching their ikea curtains that feature in the shows again for charity, costco pjs, much funny ridiculing of Jeff from Susie, Ms H staying up all night to request a song dedicated to us for our anniversary - and Jeff did it, wi-fi issues and arguments, Sammy missing a show to get married in a computer game, Susie's covid cough (it wasn't covid), the bullet hole in their house from a passing bad person, the lamp shade that shone the shape of Lemmy of Motorhead on the blinds (that was mind-blowing), a fan made album of Jeff's covers being released in October...

... oh and over 500 songs of his own (Wilco, Golden Smog, Loose Fur, Uncle Tupelo) and cover songs performed by Jeff/Spencer/Sammy/Casey. Hmmm...

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