Windmill 'De Doornboom', Hilvarenbeek

'De Doornboom' = 'De Dornbome' = 'The Thorn Tree'
Hilvarenbeek sounds like 'Hilvahrenbake'.

Almost cloudless day here.

Two new MOOCs!  The first one is all about how governments manage the issue of religion.  The second one is an introduction to the Malay language.  Will finish the politics-religion course first so that I can enjoy Malay at my leisure ... even after the next course starts, which will be after two weeks.

At 10.20, went to my dental appointment.  A molar filled up last century lost its filling, and a dead molar had a cavity, my first since the turn of the millennium.  The session reminded me of the time my right wisdom tooth had to be operatively pulled out of my jaw some 35 years ago because it was growing horizontally and bothering the rest of the teeth.  One of the steps insisted that I be hospitalized overnight just to make sure I wouldn't get any extra infection, one of the handful of times when I was shown some empathy.  A good memory of them is a rare thing.  Today, everything went tip-top and the anaesthetic made me drowsy and feel slightly inebriated.

We drove to Hilvarenbeek late in the afternoon.  It took a while to find it so we had to ask around a bit, but then saw a good deal of the town while we were at it.  In the evening, AW went to his Monday bridge.

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