Old technology, modern means

A few months ago, my mother suggested I took the family cine projector with me as I might be the one in the family to make it work. As mentioned earlier DS#1 took it as a personal challenge and got it to work, albeit for a few minutes at a time using rubber bands instead of a proper drive belt.
Thanks to the wonder of the internet, a replacement drive belt of something that was probalby last produced in the 1960s arrived in the post here today. The image to the left is a snapshot from some video footage of DS#1 operating the machine - a clip in which he is heard to say "If the house burns down it won't be my fault."
The internet also provided a manul for the projector - rather more useful than the ones that came in the box whcih were totally in German - my German O-levle seemd a very long way away.
Thanks you Mr Berners-Lee.

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