Grey Days are here Again

What a shocker as we woke up to a very wet, grey, very cold day. You’d think we’d been gifted an advance on winter. Unsurprisingly there weren’t many shoppers at the market and those that had braved the elements weren’t hanging about. We zipped into Murnau at lunchtime for what’ll be our last shopping trip for S’s mum for a while then back home for a short breather before heading out again to Dachs. The first and last group catch-up of the ‘summer’, ten of us altogether and the staff completely unconcerned about numbers or social distancing - too cold for the beergarden so everyone was packed inside. Seems the Dachs ‘new normal’ is remarkably similar to their ‘old normal’!
Of course we were late for the Friday quiz but they were managing just fine (better?) without us. Normal service was restored with Arnie romping through Gwen’s shinty questions to win the day.

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