Windmill 'De Couwenberg', Kaatsheuvel

There are two windmills there, so I'll do the second one another time.  It was quite a challenge looking for a good angle at first, as this one appears to be squeezed between the houses, and the owner built a café at its base.  What I did was ... I trespassed into someone else's garden, and that's how I found a ladder right up to the roof of the café, on which I took some more shots.  Very exciting moment when someone went out the back door and walked to her van.  While she was opening it and getting ready to go, down the ladder I went and scooted out before she even switched on the engine.  I felt like a kid!  Two extras.

The MOOC going well, AW feeling fine.  In fact, he went with me today.  AW is good company on the road.  While I do the driving, he does the searching.  And it is much nicer to lose one's way together than alone ... hahaha!

Today, there was supposed to be a hearing in MNL because J wants to fight the Adverse Claim I filed.  The Viking did not go because there was no formal notice.  Knowing him, though, I'm sure he will check up on it next week.  He did say there weren't going to be any advantages, anyway, if he did go, and advantages for us if he didn't.  I trust his judgement, so the lack of a formal notice is a good excuse.

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