
By Brendie

Boring blip

Today's blip may, on the face of it seem a bit boring. I could have posted a nice Valentine's card, or the love-heart shaped cupcake I ate this morning, but no, I post this shot taken in an industrial estate in the north of Glasgow.

Calumet is the best place in the world to visit if you have a serious interest in photography. The staff are helpful, knowledgeable and they would never do you a bad turn. If you need to try a lens out, you can. If you need a camera on the day of a wedding shoot and in an emergency, you can get one.

But most of all, the team in Calumet like customers. It doesn't matter when I go in - I can spend a good 45 minutes chatting about various aspects of photography.

With the demise of Jessops it's so important to keep giving your custom to places like Calumet - it real is.

Sales pitch over!

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