Tuesday's painting...

... Frustrating morning so far. Was up at 3 am.

Something needed sorting with mobile wi fi. Couldn't sort it myself, so ended up on chat, got it sorted. But that was an hour 'stolen' from my early morning painting. I had promised myself an hour's play today because of a frustrating day yesterday. I was out, and it was frustrating because I cannot lipread through masks. And people won't remove or lower the mask when I ask. I am not going back to the notebook and pencil and please write it down. In any case you can't really hand your pencil and notepad to another person in these Covid times. Technology doesn't work through masks either, because my speech app on the phone has problems with blurred speech through a mask. 

Finally at my bank was a nice lady who lowered her mask for me to lipread. I had a grumble to her there. I've got just the thing for you she said, and went in the back. Before she came back, another bank lady came out with a small placard on a stand and put it in front of me and motioned me to read. It was about a Sunflower lanyard. And lo and behold the first bank lady comes out with a Sunflower lanyard. She is swinging it round and round. Here we are, she says. You can put this round your neck, or you can keep it attached to your handbag, or you can swing it round and round like I did to draw people's attention to it. I am still none the wiser at this slightly crazy bank lady.

It's to draw attention to unseen disabilities, she explained. Wear this, and everyone will know you have an unseen disability. I thank her. I had to google when I got home. But I was so tired after a hard morning of shopping and non communication that I slept the rest of the day. I could easily have never gone out again, and become a total hermit. 

And then I saw on Twitter a little video from the Welsh Government to say the 3 groups of people who do not have to wear masks. The third group was 'Deaf people because they need to lipread'. Who writes these things? I don't need to lipread my own lips...

I despair.

Was going to do a quickie painting, but I actually played with several paintings for an hour. I needed that play for my sanity. 

So background from ZenBrush2, but the clouds were stylised. No good for me. Put it in SketchClub and blurred them. Then in SketchClub I drew some birds in the moon. And then with the tree tool, I drew some trees at the bottom. Then I placed an Eagle above the trees.

Now I need a power nap. I am already falling behind with the day, it's one of those days when I am still here when I need to be there.

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