Barnet Freedman 2

I know it’s a cheat but all I took today was some scans of legal documents,  a screen grab of my bank statement before I sent the deposit over to the lawyers and a video of the dog singing along to Mahler.  And much though you’d like to watch him sing video isn’t enabled here (he’s expanded his repertoire, before it was only Beethoven).  So another shot of the Barnet Freedman feels right as he did so many of the signs and posters during the war and there is a war on.  Apparently telephoning and telegraphing less was about not using up precious resources.  I did do two long phone calls today and both times we said how nice it was to just talk not zoom.   went over to see Mum and Dad and to pick up the special care laundry Mum’s been doing including ironing some fabric I want to frame. 

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